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Our donations are going to work a little different in 2024! more info to come in August!

Help Keep the Challenge ALIVE!!

Puppet Place is your hub for all things puppetry. We are dedicated to sharing our passion for puppetry with the wider public, supporting artists and professionals working with these artforms.

As a registered charity we exist on funding, donations and ticket sales from the events we run.

Cultural outreach and accessibility are key to moving our industry forward, becoming an inclusive creative hub for all.

It is our aim to make the Bristol 48h Puppet Film Challenge a donation supported event, so that anyone from anywhere can take part.

To do this we need your help!

Support us by donating to the event and sharing it among your family, friends, enemies and pets!

The more we raise the more able we will be to make this a permanent yearly cultural event, improving our outreach, diversity and accessibility every year.

Thank you for your support, you awesome thing you!